Chair’s Message
Honorable Brendette Brown Green

Continuing the Legacy of Leadership and Service
It is with deep honor and immense privilege that I assume the role of the 54th Chair of the National Bar Association Judicial Council (NBAJC). I am committed to “Continuing the Legacy of Leadership and Service” established by the distinguished jurists who have preceded me.
In these challenging times, it is crucial that we unite to support one another and amplify our collective impact across the nation. I invite each of you to actively participate in the vital work of the NBAJC. Our membership is comprised of federal and state judges, justices, magistrates, and hearing officers from all jurisdictions. Together, we can learn from each other, promote access to justice for underserved communities, advocate for increased diversity within the judiciary, and support judicial wellness and professional development.
Please join us for our upcoming Kwanzaa Celebration in association with the National Judicial Council Foundation on December 30, 2024, where we will honor NBAJC past chairs and raise funds for law school scholarships. Our scholarship programs and bi-annual school outreach initiatives foster greater diversity within the legal profession by providing invaluable opportunities for students to engage with African American judges. I invite you to join us in these efforts.
You are also welcome to participate in the monthly meetings held on the second Tuesday of each month by Zoom at 7:00 p.m. CST. The meeting ID number is 819 9762 1101 and the passcode is 477430.
A range of enriching judicial educational programs are also being offered at:
the Mid-Winter Conference in Cartagena, Colombia (January 29 - February 5, 2025)
the 100th Annual Convention of the National Bar Association in Chicago, Illinois (July 26 - August 1, 2025).
2025 marks a momentous occasion as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the National Bar Association. The Annual Convention promises to be a truly historic event, and the committee is diligently working to ensure an exceptional experience for all attendees. Mark your calendars and join us in celebrating this significant milestone.
I encourage you to also join our united effort in completing the NBAJC's vital work. If you are interested in serving on a committee, please contact me directly.
Yours in Service,
Brendette Brown Green
2024-2025 Chair
National Bar Association Judicial Council